Matthew & Jane: flexible, fast broadband

7th October 2022

The Fair Internet Report has found that as of June 2022, the Camberley area is among the lowest-scoring towns for full-fibre access in the South of England, with a median download speed of just 52 Mbps! With future-proof speeds of 900 Mbps, toob is on a mission to ensure that Camberley becomes one of the best-connected towns in the UK.

We caught up with one of our first Camberley-connected customers, Matthew and his wife Jane, as they told us how much toob’s broadband has made a difference to their everyday lives…

"fibre down my road?! bring it on!”

“I was jogging up the road and noticed the toob roadworks” Matthew said. “I stopped to ask them what they were doing, and I couldn’t believe what I was hearing! You’re bringing a fibre-optic cable down my road?! Great, bring it on!”

Matthew later received a visit from one of the toob team explaining that this new fibre-optic connection was ready. “We registered our interest right away as we wanted to make sure we had this service as soon as possible!” Jane recalls the ease of installation when setup day rolled around: “You can’t fault them! They were delightful and always polite and made sure that they were never in the way.”

Being retired, Matthew and Jane now have more time to spend on their hobbies. Jane enjoys an online course with the National Gallery while Matthew is part of a group that are currently researching an Indian Dam, involving sending chunky exchanges of data and detailed documents.

As well as video calling to stay in touch with family, the couple also uses their internet connection for streaming. Matthew noted that their previous connection was failing to meet their needs and were unable to enjoy TV on demand.

“With our previous provider we were promised speeds of around 120 Mbps on download but when we would test this, our speeds were very rarely above 30 or 40 Mbps. Living in an old house with thick walls our connection would often drop off. We couldn’t even stream basic TV without buffering issues.”

“Since switching to toob we can now have a TV in a different room to the router! We’re excited to fully get into online streaming. We even get a strong connection from our garden shed and can now answer our landline directly from our mobile phones thanks to the VOIP service!”

Whilst having a strong full-fibre connection is important, Matthew also expressed his joy in being able to talk to real people whenever he needed them:  “Apart from the technical advantages, it’s a real cultural change to have customer services that you can just dial-up and speak to a real person right away.

“It’s a comfort to know that they’re there and sets toob apart from its competitors. Plus, the fact that the service is 10x faster and reaches further into the home than any other service is very important.

“Overall, I am absolutely satisfied with toob. I couldn’t fault any aspect of their presentation or service. It’s flexible, local & fast!”

If like Matthew and Jane, you’ve found yourself feeling let down by your current broadband provider. Don’t settle for less! Check our coverage below and get started or register your interest.

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