Nick's story: connecting like never before

18th August 2022

With a typical home network serving busy families, you’ll often find that once everyone gets online, your internet connection might start to drag its heels, or even give up completely. As the bandwidth stretches across multiple devices, your connection will inevitably suffer when there is video streaming or online gaming happening simultaneously.

We caught up with family man and toob customer, Nick, to find out exactly how our full-fibre broadband has allowed him and his family to battle the bandwidth…

"we can be online at the same time!"

When working from home, one of the most crucial things to consider is whether your internet is up to the task. Here’s what Nick had to say about his previous provider and the frustration he felt with their service.

“I know a lot of people in my area who are not happy with their current provider, including myself, so when I saw an advert [for toob] on Facebook, I decided to register my interest as I had been thinking about changing for a couple of years.

“Working as a project manager from home, I am using our internet all day – from sending emails, checking social media and taking video conference calls.”

Now that Nick was able to finally get down to work during the day, he went on to tell us what the average evening looks like for his family.

“Later in the evening, with the whole family over, there will often be 7-8 mobile phones being used at the same time.

When there are four of us in, our children will be on PlayStation, using mobile phones for social media and YouTube. Meanwhile my wife and I will be on phones, I will be on the PC and my wife watching Netflix on the TV.”

“There has been a difference since switching to toob. Previously our internet connection would drop out, slow down and sometimes cut off completely!

It would only come back online once the router was rebooted. Our wi-fi coverage has improved overall, we have had much better service than my previous provider and can now all be online at the same time!”

If like Nick and his family, you’ve been stretched to the limit on bandwidth, it might be time to switch! Enter your postcode below to check for coverage in your area today.

With no in-contract price rises or line rental, enjoy big-time broadband that doesn’t break the bank.

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